Rules of Freedom Of Speech Fleet

Welcome. These are our rules, all finely engineered by the practical needs of the game, in order to be functional. By following rules, it is...

Thursday 17 March 2022

Rules of Freedom Of Speech Fleet

Welcome. These are our rules, all finely engineered by the practical needs of the game, in order to be functional. By following rules, it is guaranteed that you play the game correctly, you will stay hooked to the game, the fleet will always be fully active and your everyone's stay in the fleet will be to the benefit of everyone else. Dumb's version of the rules is followed by Shortened version of the rules and that is followed by the full version that will help you understand why we have the rules engineered this way. They may seem complicated but they are very simple. In the end you will also find explanation of the purpose of the rules.


(the minimalistic hint how to play)

I. have a name other than "captain"

II. join a squadron

III. play every day even if just tiny bit

IV. if you are to skip a day or more, write it in advance in #absences

V. participate in each event, obligatory

VI. when you have time, read the real, full rules and study tips on Discord


0) when you join, adapt your nickname according to ingame name, when you leave fleet leave the discord and do not spread insider information (note: setting your server name does not affect your main Discord name)

1) only admiral can kick a member

2) play every day for minimum of 50 daily targets

3) every absence longer than 24h (2 days tolerance) must be announced through putting date of return into your captain name or announcing it through #absences channel on our Discord server

4) donate to maximum every day

5) your name must be distinguishable (no anonymous "captains")

6) you must be in a squadron

7) participation in every event (and every part of event) is obligatory

8) officer titles are redistributed after every event solely based on event ranking results, to become officer you need to rank 10.000 or higher (smaller number)

9) stand each other in peace, learn to cope

10) we disregard social and political norms and promote free speech, we do not allow violence (admiral has the final decision to say what is violence)

11) anyone can create squadron if they fill it quickly, competition is encouraged, but keeping a squadron with less than 3 members for more than few days is considered a violation of the rules

12) subdue to fleet's needs and consult everything with admiral

13) be aware that ingame chat is not reliable and you will be judged regardless any excuses on malfunctioning chat, so communication through discord is highly recommended

14) never delete anything on Discord, once you send a message, leave it be

15) do your best to do all daily missions every day

16) check #bridge and #rules-of-fleet for updates every day

17) be respectful to the shelter you had in this fleet and do not leave the fleet by yourself, tell admiral to dismiss you if you want to leave


**0)** If you join, report yourself in the #transporter-room and change your nickname according to your ingame name. If you leave the fleet, leave the Discord channel. Do not invite people outside of our fleet. Do not carry stuff from our fleet outside of it. Basically I could say don't be an asshole.

**1)** Only admiral decides who will be kicked from fleet, no one else is allowed to kick. Squadron leaders can only kick out of their squadron but not from fleet. Whoever breaks this rule will get kick without hesitation. Admiral also decides the rules. Undermining power of admiral will be punished by kick as well. That doesn't mean you cannot talk privately to admiral about suggestions for change. Communication with admiral is highly recommended.

**2) **Play daily, for minimum of 50 DT every day (it is literally nothing, just symbolic). "DT" means Daily targets and it is points you get from the game automatically when taking various actions like sending shuttles or spending chronitons on mission. You can check how much DT you have today by clicking on the Fleet icon (the one on left next to Scan icon), then on top there is a flag menu where you can select whether you want to see Default/Event Rank/Daily Targets/Last Online - select the "Daily Targets" and scroll to your squadron and to your name to see the number. You get some 35 DT already by making maximum donation for the day. 50 DT is really nothing as if you play normally, you easily get hundreds of DT. If you collect your daily bonuses for daily actions like sending shuttles or doing cadet missions or just spending your chronitons (which you can do by warping in just seconds). So 50 DT basically means you just log in/open the game and spend a minute in the game.

**3)** If you are to be missing a day or more, let us know in advance. Especially when you have some travel, you might fail to login, so preventively announce your absence. You can let us know in three different ways:

**a) **by changing your captain name and putting a date of expected return into your name, to be more precise in front of it, for example "30.7.2021 Jean Luc Dali". How to do: Click your avatar picture in utmost top left corner and then click the cogwheel that appear on the same place after clicking your picture. Then you click on your name and rewrite it in the mentioned way.

**b) **writing it in #absences  channel on Discord, 

**c) **if from some reason you can't use a) or b), by letting someone else know who will write in your behalf in the #absences or tell directly to admiral; this option is least reliable and if you count on ingame chat, the message may never arrive.

I can understand that you may be out of connection or lack even the 1 minute to connect. But you have to let us know about that, otherwise you show you give a shit about your team which means your team will give a shit about you. I can also understand that you may have unplanned unexpected absence one day so I am not kicking you after one day absence but always after at least two day absence. I can also understand it is hard to predict when is it that you will be back again, that is why I say to put date of EXPECTED return at least and do it preventively if you go on travel or so. Of course if you return from your absence much later than you announced, you are at risk of getting kicked, so do it wisely.

**4) **Donate every day to maximum, which is some 700 units. You do it by clicking the Fleet icon which is the one on left from Scan icon and there on left top you have "Starbase" button - click and you are in donations area, just donate what is possible, to maximum it allows. Donations were how we built our Starbase rooms which now give us tons of bonuses in every area of the gameplay and now it serves to produce fine quality replicator ration. That is done automatically and whenever a ration is completed, you receive the resulting pack in your ingame mail (on top right corner of your hud). It is worth of donating because you get more than you put in and what you put in, everyoby gets it, so it multiplies. Please don't be selfish using the ration created by others while keeping your resources for yourself. You are robbing not only them but also yourself. If you do not play and do not even donate, we see it easily in Daily targets results. Who doesn't have even the 35 DT means s/he didn't donate.

**5) **Have a distinguishable name - names like "Captain" are not allowed and will not be tolerated for long. Also changing your name wildly often, covering your identity by changing name, pretending you are someone new or someone else or having same or too similar name like someone else in our fleet is forbidden.

**6) **Be in functional squadron. Staying as solitude player signifies there is something wrong with you. You are requested to be in some squadron. It does not make any sense to not be in squadron as being in squadron gives you special rewards and during shuttle events you get a shared crew from your squadron leader. You are also expected to form a functional squadron. If there are going to be two-member squadrons for longer time, you may be punished for that. Every player in their own interest should care to be in a complete five-member squadron. It is logical and in your own interest. By making this a rule I am just expressing that we may not tolerate self-harming behavior. Being asocial does not mean you should stay without squadron. Afterall, many squads do not really have a social life. Even though, chat within a squadron chat is encouraged. Squadrons should use squadron chat to make friendships and to ask for advice and give advice to each other. Chatting should not be happening solely in main chat.

**7) **Participation in events is logical and obligatory. Again it is logical to take part in events as by doing very few clicks you get basically free initial rewards. Not taking the free rewards is silly, as everything you get makes you stronger - crew is dismissable and creates precious honor points, items are usable as replicator ration. I encountered people who wanted to express they hate the event by not participating in the event. This is not allowed in our fleet. If you want to express you hate the event, then please click on the menu icon in top right corner of the game and then the Contact Support icon and send them a brief message that you hate it and WHY you hate it. If you are a paying player, you can note that too - the developers care about their paying customers' preferences but you all have to let them know in mass.

**8) **Officer titles are redistributed after every event. Normall, only 40+level players can be officers. If you rank in top 10.000, you earn an officer title which you will be given shortly after the event is over (the same day or next day latest). You do not have to ask for it, admiral does this for you automatically. To keep the officer title, you should always rank in events in top 10.000. However I made the habit of being tolerant and made it easier to keep the title once you earn it, so to keep the officer title you only need to rank in top 20.000. If you have lower ranking, you will be demoted to regular member. However, in next event, you have new opportunity to get the title back. You will need to rank in top 10.000 again though. This system is set to be fair to everyone and to support the only thing that matters in this game the way it is set up, and that is consistent activity. Some people expect to have officer title for the merits of past, because they are important members of the fleet. While I appreciate your merits and keep them in mind, it is not something that the game rewards and that the fleet needs. A fleet full of deserving members with awesome past can be a completely dead fleet. We do not want that. We also enjoy one-time extreme heroic results but what the fleet really needs is consistency. We need everyone to play daily. So if you make it to top #1 player in whole game and then you are inactive, we do not care. We want you to take consistent tiny activity every day. That is why the officer titles are a symbolical reward for those who really give to the fleet what it needs most -regular activity, top 10.000.

What does officer title give? Basically nothing, it is a symbolical honorary title. What it gives you is access to officer chat and ability to click finish on donations once they're completed. That's all. Theoretically it gives you ability to kick other players and immunity, but in our fleet no one is allowed to kick except admiral.

**9) **No one is allowed to kick anyone except admiral. Only admiral can kick someone from the fleet. If I find out that you kicked someone, I will kick you in return. This is the worst misbehaviour you can exercise and has already resulted in kicks and bans in the past. Do not think of that. If you have any objections against other players, solve them by openly talking with them. Do not expect your admiral to solve petty quarrels for you. Be dignified human, be brave to face others' different opinions and characters, solve your issues with them and learn to accept that we do not always agree with everyone or love everyone. If you have recurring problems with someone, let your admiral know to think of a solution.

**10) **This is a freedom of speech fleet which means we cherish freedom of speech above other values. I will do all I can for your right to speak freely your opinion even if I disagree with you completely. All functional societies are based on freedom of speech. Those who exercise censorship, suppression, bigotry, bully and one-sided, one-only-true beliefs are totalitarian regimes. Having promoted freedom of speech, consider not provoking others politically or religiously, think how what you say may hurt others. If you behave bad, in harmful disruptive ways, if you are violent to others and especially if you do it on purpose, you may get kick. You will never though be kicked for having different opinions or for sharing them. I understand this is tricky and may fail some time but I as admiral will do my best to live by this rule. We are also against censorship exercised on social networks, media and politics these days and if it makes us rebels to the system or illegal guerilla, so be it. Totalitarian ruling is something we oppose.

**11) **Squadrons have maximum freedom in our fleet. Everyone is allowed to freely choose their place in squadrons. Everyone has also right to create their own squadron. However if you take the role of leader and create a squadron, you are expected to fill it within a few days. If your squadron stays half empty, you may be requested to dismiss the squadron and join other squadron. It is in interest of everyone for squadrons to keep full. Also, if you lead squadron, you are expected to share crew regularly, whenever there is a shuttle event or other opportunity for that. Everyone is also allowed to advertise membership in their squadron and compete for members with other squadrons. Inviting a players to change their squadrons and swap places is allowed.

**12)** Keep fleet full, do not break rules, do everything in a way to help fleet, and in order to do so, consult your admiral and talk openly. I wish to have environment of free speech even if you disagree with me. If you want to help the fleet, do not do something without consultation though. If you decide to leave the fleet because you are not planning to play regularly anymore, DO NOT DO THAT. It is not the best interest of the fleet if you leave. On contrary - it is in the best interest of the fleet you to stay and get kicked after strategic planning. I am writing this because repeatedly I was witness to this harmful behavior. Leaving the fleet does not help the fleet. If you are planning to play less and wish to leave, let your admiral know and ask whether it is good time to leave. If you leave without planning, you may leave the fleet vulnerable. Due to poor architecture of the game and promotion of the open spots of the fleets in the game, it is CRUCIAL to keep the members at 49/50, at least 48/50 or 50/50. If the number of members drops under 48, the fleet drops from the list of promoted fleets and is not shown anymore as fleet to join in the ingame suggestions system. It is then very hard to recruit manually. If we keep the number at 48/50 or 49/50 the better, then new members are flowing easily into the fleet and no manual recruiting is needed. If you want to help recruiting or you have friend who wants to join, let me know, we will likely be happy to invite them. Do consult things though and to talk openly.

**13) **Be aware that the ingame chat is not working properly and messages can easily get lost or undelivered. This is a known issue that the developers are failing to solve for years. Be aware when judging someone that they do not reply to you, it might not be intentional, they may have not received your messages, even repeatedly, at all! Be also aware of the possible misunderstandings that may arise if one or two cruical messages are lost! Do not trust the ingame chatting system. For that reason, prefer using this Discord application for communication. Keep though cleanliness, do not post in wrong channels. For general chat there is the "Mess Hall".

**14)** Deleting messages, images or gameplay resources from Discord is prohibited and considered a cowardish and violent act. If you are not OK with the fact that what you share will stay forever, do not share it. Think before posting. Mind that people already invested time responding to you or stopped themselves from sharing what you already shared and are counting with the content to be there. If you want to correct yourself, correct your original message right away or post a new message, eventually apologize, but never delete. We have plugin installed to keep track if anyone deleted anything.

**15)** Daily Missions are not yet obligatory by rule, however it is strongly suggested to do them all, so that the fleet can collect all ISM bonuses. With the late game enhancements the need for doing the Daily Missions arise. I know it might be requestive for some to do them every day, so I hesitate to make it a rule to do them. It would be a big change compared to the benevolent rules we always had. However the game is clear - to get the precious ISM currency, we need to do them. So I beg all to do your best for now!

**16) **Check your Discord every day. Just as you play every day, even if for one minute, you also need to check the fleet Discord server once a day and check #bridge and #rules-of-fleet for updates. Without that, your presence on the Discord would not have much any meaning.

**17)**If you decide to leave the fleet, inform admiral that you want to be dismissed and let him dismiss you. Be of the respect to the shelter that you were given till now and do not leave yourself and especially do not leave together with someone else, as we need to do one by one exchanges.

unwritten rule: enjoy the game. it is just game afterall


The rules are not wishes of admiral and they are not something that can be ignored.

The ignorant way to play and FAIL is to think that you are in a fleet for the goodies that developers somehow forced you to get only through being in some fleet. So annoyed, you join some fleet and hope to be ignored and left alone. You think that if you occassionally donate and collect the free bonuses coming from the fleet, you are good. That is more wrong than you can imagine:

If you play in the ignorant way described above, what happens is that:

* the daily free goodies from the fleet stop coming! those include:

- daily 900 ISM stops coming in

- daily 100 chronitons stop coming in

- daily 570 honor stops coming in

*  your skills points are low; especially if you are in developing fleet, your skills are too low to compete in the game or to get rewards you want

* your overall power to play is low - you score low, your chronitons run out sooner, you don't get rewards, you tend to fail everywhere, you can't retreive almost any crew from the Crew Retreival or buy in the Celestial Market

* the fleet feels dead, no one answers, you cannot ask anything

* the game starts to be annoying, unsuccessful, boring

The only solution to all that is to be in an active fleet, which does what it needs to have it active. Which means you start discovering the rules which we have here already written as rules. If you don't believe our rules are the best in whole the game, then I suggest creating your own fleet to see for yourself.

So really, the rules are not some admiral's wishes or bullying of the members, they are not something you can ignore, they are exactly the way how to get what you want: the goodies, the help, the power, the success...

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